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Using Bulk Send and Smart Links in Blueink
Using Bulk Send and Smart Links in Blueink

In this help article, we will explain how to use Bulk Send and Smart Links in Blueink.

Sophia Rose avatar
Written by Sophia Rose
Updated over a week ago


In this help article, we will explain how to use Bulk Send and Smart Links in Blueink. These advanced features enable you to send documents to multiple recipients and create easily accessible forms for clients and customers.

Using Bulk Send:

  1. Create a Template: Set up a template with fields, labels, and signer roles. You can upload any type of document, such as contracts, agreements, onboarding forms, and surveys. Learn how to set up a template here.

  2. Request Bulk Send Configuration: Contact Blueink in-app chat support and request them to configure the template you have made for Bulk Send. You will be notified once the configuration is complete.

  3. Create Bulk Send: Navigate to the Bulk Send tab in your Blueink account and click "Create New Bulk Send"

    3.1 You will see the template you have created as an option, select that template.

  4. Choose your CSV Template: You have two options for CSV templates to download.

    • Signers Only Starter File: Use this template if you are not going to merge any signer-specific data on the document.

    • Signers and Data Starter File: Use this template if you would like to merge signer-specific data onto the document. This file will have column headers based on the labels you made for each field. "Address, Name, Birthday...etc"

  5. Add Your Recipients & Recipient Data to CSV: Add your signer's information to the appropriate columns in the CSV template you have downloaded from Step 4.

    *Do not use any commas in the CSV ( ex: First, Last Name)*

  6. Send Documents: After finishing your CSV, upload the file, review the information, and simply click send. Recipients will access the documents securely through Blueink's platform.

  7. Reporting: Monitor the progress of the Bulk Send on the reporting page to track who has accessed, signed, or not yet completed the documents.

Using Smart Links:

  1. Create a Template: Set up a template with fields, labels, and signer roles for the Smart Link. You can upload any type of document, such as contracts, agreements, onboarding forms, and surveys. Learn how to set up your template here.

  2. Request Smart Link Configuration: Contact Blueink in-app chat support and request them to configure your template for a Smart Link. You will be notified once the configuration is complete, and the links will be delivered to you.

  3. Share the URL with Customers: Distribute the URL to your customers or clients through email or SMS. Customers will click on the link and enter their name and email/phone number to receive an email to complete the document.

  4. Automatic Routing: After the form is completed, the document will be automatically routed to the appropriate parties based on how you configured and routed your Smart Link template.


Bulk Send and Smart Links in Blueink simplify sending documents to multiple recipients and creating accessible forms for clients and customers. This help article provides guidance on using these advanced features. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please refer to Blueink's support resources or contact the support team.

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