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Managing Your Company Account Settings in Blueink
Managing Your Company Account Settings in Blueink

This help article will guide you through managing your company account settings in Blueink.

Sophia Rose avatar
Written by Sophia Rose
Updated over a week ago


This help article will guide you through managing your company account settings in Blueink, which allows you to optimize the e-signing process for all users within your organization. We'll cover key features, such as customizable settings, adding and removing users, and more.

Managing Your Company Account Settings:

  1. Access Company Account Settings: From your Blueink dashboard, click the menu at the top right of your screen.

  2. Customize Settings: You can modify various settings, such as the company name, timezone for signing date fields, adding bundle ID to signed documents, enabling the "save as template" option, enabling the "copy bundle" option, and setting the default days to show bundles on the dashboard.

Review Your Company's Bundle Stats:

Blueink provides detailed statistics on your account's bundle activity, including account bundle stats, total account users, and bundle stats by month.

Adding and Removing Users:

Adding Users:

  1. Navigate to the "Users" tab in the menu at the top right of your dashboard.

  2. Click on the "Add User" button.

  3. Enter the new user's name, email address, and phone number, and designate them as an Account Admin if appropriate.

  4. Click "Submit" to send the user an email invitation to join your account.

Removing Users:

  1. Navigate to the "Users" tab in the menu at the top right of your dashboard.

  2. Find the user you want to remove and click “Delete” under the Actions column.

  3. Click on the "Delete User" button to confirm.

Resending Expired User Invitation Link:

  1. Navigate to the "Users" tab in the menu at the top right of your dashboard.

  2. Find the user whose invitation link has expired and click “Resend Invitation”.

  3. The user will receive an email with a new invitation link to create their Blueink account.

Handling "Email is Already in Use" Error:

If you encounter an "Email is already in use" error when adding a new user, contact the user directly or reach out to Blueink support for further assistance.

Blueink Teams:

Blueink Teams is a feature that allows you to create segmented workspace environments for multiple departments or locations under one account. Learn more about Blueink Teams and User Permissions here.

Signing Brands:

Signing Brands in Blueink enable you to create a custom signing experience for your signers by customizing the settings, logo, company name, and more for each brand. Learn more about Signing Brands here.

Update Billing Information:

To update your billing information, contact the Blueink accounting team at [email protected] or use the chat support icon.


By managing your company account settings in Blueink, you can optimize your e-signing process for all users within your organization. Customize settings, manage users, and take advantage of features like Blueink Teams and Signing Brands to make the most of your Blueink experience. For more information on managing your company account settings or other features in Blueink, refer to our support resources or contact us today.

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