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How to Edit Signer Information in a Sent Bundle
How to Edit Signer Information in a Sent Bundle
Elyca Mae Tansi avatar
Written by Elyca Mae Tansi
Updated over a week ago


The Blueink Dashboard is the central hub for managing your documents and signing process. This article will help you understand one of the key features of the dashboard, including to edit signer information in a sent bundle.

Editing Signer Information after Sending a Bundle

To edit signer information in a sent bundle, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to your Blueink Dashboard.

  2. Find the sent bundle you want to edit and click on it to open it.

3. Scroll down to the "Signers" section and find the signer whose information you want to edit.

4. Click on the "Edit" button next to the signer's name.

5. Make the necessary changes to the signer's information.

6. Click "Save" to save the changes.

Please note that you cannot edit a signer's information once they have started the bundle or after the document has been signed. Additionally, after updating the signer information, you will need to click "Resend" to notify the signer of the changes.


By following these straightforward steps, you can efficiently update signer information within a sent bundle using the Blueink platform.

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